Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Being Thankful

I have much to be thankful for and I have many many blessings in my life.

Even though I kneel and pray and give thanks to my Father in Heaven daily, it's nice to sometimes put them on paper.......... or on blog :)

First and foremost I am grateful for the gospel and the joy, comfort, peace and direction it brings to my life.

I am thankful for my wonderful family that loves me unconditionally.

I am thankful for a place called "Zion" that re-inspires me daily and breathes new life into me.

I am thankful for my church family and their love and support of me inspite of my many many faults and weaknesses. I love their example of steadfastness to the gospel and the gospel principles. (Is steadfastness even a word?)

I am thankful for my workplace and my coworkers of whom I love ....and all that I learn from them.

I am thankful for my membership in "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints".

I am thankful for those of you in my "blogging world" that leave sweet comments that inspire or uplift me in times of need.

I am thankful for my many relationships here on earth. I am not here to "judge". I am here to love, to uplift, to care for, to serve, to be kind and offer a kind word, to offer a hug, and to most of all .... be an example of Jesus Christ.

I pray daily that I might continue to be the person he wishes me to be...............

I am thankful for the smile and positive attitude that I choose to own everday in spite of my many challenges.

I am thankful for the big but yet little things that I think we sometimes take for granted.....
food in my cupboards, running tap water, warm showers, heat in my apartment, a great job, a roof over my head, a great dependable vehicle, clothes on my back and my great health.

I am especially thankful for that special man in my life that accepts me for who I am!

I am thankful for all the friends in my life and that because of them......it makes me want to become a better person.

I pray often that I never offend anyone!

I try to be very careful and think of the words I wish to say to someone that it might be brought forth in the way that it is meant! This is not easy as you get older..........another sign of getting older I guess.

I am most grateful for "forgiveness" and for the opportunity that it brings to humble oneself. I am grateful that I can feel and hear the Holy Ghost as he speaks to me and how I listen for him more carefully and clearly these days.

1 comment:

janis said...

And I am Thankful for you!
Thankful for your beautiful writings.
Thankful for your lovely photos. Thankful for your window into your life.
And Thankful I can call you friend.