Wise Men of the East, also called Magi or Three Kings of the Orient. They followed a star to Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn Christ child. They asked King Herod for assistance in finding the Christ child. Herod could not help them but asked the men to return with news of the child. Warned in a dream, they did not return to Herod.

While oftentimes conflicting lore muddles the story of the Magi, those bearing gifts for the Christ child are Caspar of Tarsus, Melchior of Persian and Balthasar of Saba. Weary from desert travel, the Magi humbly offer their gifts.

Caspar is young, European and offers gold. Gold finances the Holy Family's coming flight to Egypt and also symbolizes Christ's immortality and purity. For his generosity, Caspar receives the gifts of charity and spiritual wealth.

Melchior is middle-aged, Persian and offers myrrh. Myrrh is a fragrant gum, which the ancient Israelites believed to strengthen children. This symbol of Christ's mortality was blended with wine and offered to him on the cross, and also mixed with aloes to wrap his body for the tomb. Melchior receives the gifts of humility and truth.

Balthasar is elderly, Ethiopian and offers frankincense. Frankincense is a resin used in incense for worship and also symbolizes prayer and sacrifice. Balthasar receives the gift of Faith. And Christ, humbling himself to become man, offers us the greatest gift of all, the light that forever burns in the darkness.

To learn more about the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ and his plan of salvation for us ....please visit us at http://www.mormon.org/
simply beautiful...
If you are wise you would still seek Jesus as the Lord God and Saviour of the World
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