Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Adoration of The Wise Men

Monday, November 29, 2010
Vegas Holiday Weekend
This past weekend I traveled south to be with my daughter Mackenzie, Joe and baby Wynter.
Of course we had to do some shopping at the Gallaria Mall and about a zillion other places. We love shopping and of course getting good deals to boot. I got alot of my Christmas shopping done and hopefully now I can relax and work on decorating, wrapping, baking and spreading some holiday cheer!
The Annual Holiday Candy Making
Every Christmas holiday I buy a 10 pound bar of milk chocolate and make candy with both girls and their families. It's a tradition that we have done for many years. We buy the "huge" candy bar at a local store called Christensens. When I first started buying it 20 years ago I think it was around $15.00 and it was a Ghiradelli bar. My understanding is that Ghiradelli no longer makes a 10 pound bar but the substitutes have been almost as yummy. It's chocolate for heaven's sake!!!!!! It has to be good! This year I paid $36.99! Inflation.......:(
Of course you have to have the annual Christmas music going so it puts us in the spirit. There is always alot of dancing and singing (often the wrong words)....and at times poor Wynter thought her mom and Nana had done lost their minds! But.........It was the best time ever!

This is what the bar looks like minus a couple of hunks that we had to try to make sure it was any good! (giggles)..................

and..................we appear to still be trying the chocolate and trying to get baby Wynter into the swing of the whole candy making world!
This is what the bar looks like minus a couple of hunks that we had to try to make sure it was any good! (giggles)..................
and..................we appear to still be trying the chocolate and trying to get baby Wynter into the swing of the whole candy making world!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
So Cute..........Our Twins

Our cute little twins needed some Christmas PJ's from Nana and there isn't anything like warm fuzzy "snow people" pajamas. How funny I said snow people. It is politically correct isn't it? (giggles)
These babies are just growing so fast and It was so nice having the family here for the holiday!
The older kids had a sleep over at Nana's and it was fun. We loved watching Christmas With the Kranks and having popcorn. The great thing about grandkidos is that they will watch whatever movie Nana picks out! AND NANA LOVES CHRISTMAS MOVIES!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I Stand All Amazed!
It was snowing when I looked outside at about 5:30 and this is how much snow we had by the time I swept off my car at 7:15. Ahh..............Have I said "How much I love Winter"?
Warm fuzzy coats, mittens, boots and soft cozy scarves!
..........and visions of sugar plums dancing in my head!
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Monday, November 22, 2010
Now............It Feels Like Christmas
Our first snow here in Zion Canyon came yesterday. The rain began early in the morning and then by the time we left church it was really coming down. Luckily I had the umbrella in tow.
I guess I looked out around one-ish and I could see it snowing up on the mountain.
What a site to behold! There is just something magical about the first snow and It makes me so very very happy! This is the Sunday photo!
This is the early Monday morning photo. Such Splendor!!!
Yep..........time to get the Christmas lights up outside today if the weather permits!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
"Birth of Christ"

Always when the Christmas holiday nears I love to post pictures of the many different artists and their representations of Christ's birth.
This original painting is by Italian born Carlo Saraceni and was painted in 1610. He lived from 1579 - 1620. The location is at the Residenzgalerie - art gallery in the Alte Residenz, Salzburg, Austria.
I think this is one of my absolute favorite paintings.
It has always been my wish to see this in person. You never know....
Friday, November 19, 2010
Are Ya Kidden Me?

Sure I can handle visitors just as much as the next neighbor but enough is enough. So yesterday we thought we had solved the problem and sealed up the "welcome" hole and then I turned on the "no vacancy" sign. So just for the sport of it I gently placed another peanut buttered sticky trap out and couldn't wait to see it still there in the morning and breathe a sigh of relief!
You can't imagine my disappointment when I opened my eyes and looked in the other room and it was gone! gone! gone! DID I SAY GONE..............
These mice must have special powers! After searching under here and over there for the sticky trap I found it about 10ft away under a chair. No peanut butter and No mouse!
I know the weather has turned colder and everything that is outside wants to come inside but please............. someone stop the madness. I need some real sleep!!
Growing up in an old farmhouse in Iowa we always had lots of mice running to and fro in the walls. I know..........yuck! But as a kid it really didn't seem to bother me.
I guess I do live in the desert and along the river. I have two outside cats that should be taking care of this for me. Somehow I cannot reason with them!
All I can say is that I have found the positive in this: It is not SNAKES............... That was a few years back. EEK is right!
Moral of the Mouse.....................Just live with it and try to find a way to live in peace and harmony. Yeah........That will be the day!
Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Let us open wide the windows of our hearts, that each family member may feel welcome and 'at home.' Let us open also the doors of our very souls, that the dear Christ may enter. Remember His promise: 'Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him' (Revelation 3:20)."
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Being Thankful

I have much to be thankful for and I have many many blessings in my life.
Even though I kneel and pray and give thanks to my Father in Heaven daily, it's nice to sometimes put them on paper.......... or on blog :)
First and foremost I am grateful for the gospel and the joy, comfort, peace and direction it brings to my life.
I am thankful for my wonderful family that loves me unconditionally.
I am thankful for a place called "Zion" that re-inspires me daily and breathes new life into me.
I am thankful for my church family and their love and support of me inspite of my many many faults and weaknesses. I love their example of steadfastness to the gospel and the gospel principles. (Is steadfastness even a word?)
I am thankful for my workplace and my coworkers of whom I love ....and all that I learn from them.
I am thankful for my membership in "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints".
I am thankful for those of you in my "blogging world" that leave sweet comments that inspire or uplift me in times of need.
I am thankful for my many relationships here on earth. I am not here to "judge". I am here to love, to uplift, to care for, to serve, to be kind and offer a kind word, to offer a hug, and to most of all .... be an example of Jesus Christ.
I pray daily that I might continue to be the person he wishes me to be...............
I am thankful for the smile and positive attitude that I choose to own everday in spite of my many challenges.
I am thankful for the big but yet little things that I think we sometimes take for granted.....
food in my cupboards, running tap water, warm showers, heat in my apartment, a great job, a roof over my head, a great dependable vehicle, clothes on my back and my great health.
I am especially thankful for that special man in my life that accepts me for who I am!
I am thankful for all the friends in my life and that because of them......it makes me want to become a better person.
I pray often that I never offend anyone!
I try to be very careful and think of the words I wish to say to someone that it might be brought forth in the way that it is meant! This is not easy as you get older..........another sign of getting older I guess.
I am most grateful for "forgiveness" and for the opportunity that it brings to humble oneself. I am grateful that I can feel and hear the Holy Ghost as he speaks to me and how I listen for him more carefully and clearly these days.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Autumn In The Canyon
Driving through the park today I spotted this little guy just "hangin" on the side of the road. There was even a girl standing really close to him and snapping a few photos. He was not even concerned about us and just went on about eating some roadside greens. It was a really nice moment for me with my love of nature and wildlife!
The infamous Zion tunnel! This time of year things are pretty quiet here in Zion and it gives opportunity to stop in the tunnel and snap some photos!
Glen Canyon Dam
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Prince of Peace

"Turn to the Lord. Exercise all of the faith you have in Him. Let Him share your burden. Allow His grace to lighten your load."
"In the most difficult circumstances of life, there is often only one source of peace. The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, extends His grace with the invitation, 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest' (Matthew 11:28)."
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Northern Weekend
We did manage to find time to take all the little ones to the park during our big Baptism weekend. Hey.... there was even a bunch of new fun playground equipment too. It's a beautiful little park and I was so excited that it was a beautiful fall day......Not too cold - Not to warm. We even had the wonderful Autumn breeze blowing and at times I could smell the burning of leaves. Ahhhh.......My little piece of Heaven on Earth.
An Evening Out!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Our Precious Twins
But seriously...........until you live it.........you do not understand it! The next morning I said to both Cody and Ivy- do you two ever get any sleep?
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