Sunday, May 24, 2009

'Flags In' - Memorial Day

Today, as on each Memorial Day, there are flags flying in front of every grave at Arlington National Cemetery. The Army calls it "Flags In" day.

It's a big military operation, conducted by the 3rd U. S. Infantry - known as the Old Guard, based at the nearby Fort Myer.

About 3 p.m., when burials are finished for the day, trucks bring out big wooden crates and drop them off at each section of gravesites. The crates are full of flags. The flags have a sharp point on top and are pushed into the ground by hand, about a foot away from the front of each headstone.

About 6 p.m., an officer hears the faint notes of a bugle and calls his company to attention.

Taps is being played as part of a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns, on a hilltop at Arlington National Cemetery. By tradition, soldiers stand in respect at this sound.

On Tuesday, before Arlington National Cemetery opens to the public, members of the Old Guard will retrieve the flags and put them into storage for next year's Memorial Day.

1 comment:

janis said...

Great Minds think alike! My music is similar on this grand day to remember our Military and give thanks!
Beautiful posts and as usual wonderful photos!