Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palm Sunday

The Lenten Season is almost over and it's time for Palm Sunday. By this time next week it will be Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast which always falls on the Sunday before Easter Sunday. It is also called Passion Sunday or Palm Sunday of the Lord's passion.

In many Christian churches, Palm Sunday is marked by the distribution of palm leaves (often tied into crosses) to assembled worshippers. The Palm branch is a symbol of triumph and victory in Jewish tradition.

According to the Gospels, before entering Jerusalem, Jesus was staying at Bethany and Bethpage, and the Gospel of John adds that he had dinner with Lazarus.

The Gospels go on to recount that Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem by riding on a donkey with the people waving leaves from the date palm tree. The people sang "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord".

May we all find peace and love in our hearts at this special time of year. It is my wish that we all might be kinder and more loving to our friends, neighbors, the people that surround us and our most treasured family members. God Bless us all!!

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