Sunday, October 28, 2012


     I value the present and the future and I try to live in it!  One of my most favorite quotes and one that I try to live by daily and quoted by President Gordon B. Hinckley of the LDS Church is this:

To Truly Be Happy You Have To Live In The Now!
     The Past is done and I can't change it!  I can only live in the present and plan for the future!
     Hopefully........I have learned from the past and made amends for any wrong doings! totally awkward is it when you bump into someone that you haven't seen in a very long time and you just don't know quite what to say or do.  Do you hope that they haven't seen you and quickly head on over to the electronics isle?  Is it possible that they have been watching you all along while you are shopping the frozen food section?  So many questions here!  But, does it even really matter?  Have they even seen you?  Would they even recognize you? 
I guess the awkwardness here is what lies within your head and how long you are going to ponder all of the ridiculous thoughts and questions this "near" chance encounter brings with it.  How long are you going to let yourself go back to that place in time and wish you would have done things differently............ 
It's best to try and move on... with living.... within the now.

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