A father will always be his daughter's first love.
The man by whom all others will be measured against.
This past couple of weeks have been tough, as I have relived the life and loss of my father.
Between fathers day and my fathers passing eleven years ago on June 30th, it has been a tough few weeks.
Time does heal, we all move on and we move forward .....we learn to live with our loss. But some days, months or years are just tougher on us emotionally. I don't know why nor do I care to understand it. It just is!
I miss my daddy!
There are so many family gatherings and special events that I so wish he were
here for and I feel badly for my sweet grandchildren who did not
get the opportunity to know him.
We were robbed...... robbed by lung cancer, caused from smoking! I know, that is rather harsh but let's face it.....it's the truth!
My father is a United States Marine......
He is a Korean War Veteran.
He faithfully served his country.
He was a wonderful and loving father!
Between Sept.17th and Oct.7th 1950 he participated in the
Capture and Securing of Seoul, Korea
Between Oct. 28th and Dec. 11th 1950
he participated in the Wonsan-Hungnam-Chosin Campaign
in North Korea.
From 15 Dec 1950 to September 10 1951
he participated against enemy forces in
South and Central Korea.
"I don't think we should ever apologize for our tears."
"Semper Fi" daddy..........