Laugh More: People have told me that I laugh too much. I am not a big fan of those people!
Therefore, I intend to laugh more in 2011.
Therefore, I intend to laugh more in 2011.
Read, Read, Read: I love to read and I can read 5 books all at once...........since, I read much already, it would be silly to include it on my list!
Learn New Recipes: This year I will be inspired to learn to make something new in the kitchen. It is unlikely that I will ever be a chef......however, dreams make us feel free.
I will have my daughter Mackenzie teach me some Swahili as "my dream trip" is to visit AFRICA!
Master an Australian accent: I would love to go to Australia someday too.
I will no longer waste time re-live-ing my past, instead I will worry about the future! Ha Ha Ha.
I won't worry so much! You never stop worrying about your grown children and them sweet grandbabies.
I will try to figure out why I have three email addresses.
I will be more imaginative.
I will TRY to be more spontaneous!
I will care more for others and not be judgemental.
I will be more patient with others and myself!
I will try to not be "my own worst critic"!
I will spend less time on FACEBOOK..............seriously!
I will work on my "bucketlist"! That includes seeing Tony Bennett and Johnny Mathis in concert!
I will continue reading my David J. Ridges books..."The Book of Mormon Made Easier" series.
I will spend more time on my Genealogy! I will continue writing my family history!
I will spend less time on Facebook ( I know I have already said that).......and really I mostly use it to visit with my High School friends and my family that I live so far away from!..........ok ........so I do have a virtual farm that I have to tend to and how silly is that? Remember, I am an Iowa farm girl? How does the saying go? You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl! whatever....now I am just trying to justify facebook again.
Most of all I will be sillier this year and I will dance when no one is watching! But I have been known to be seen "rocking out while driving down main street"...because it just feels so darn good and it makes me feel so alive!
"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves."