My greatest blessing of course is my wonderful family. I am so grateful that I still have my mom and that she is just a short distance from me. I am grateful for her good health and that we are best friends. Throughout the year we take vacations together and have many a laugh along the journey. I am often saddened at the holidays because my dad has passed on ...as are most of my relatives from his side of the family. I can remember great family reunions as a child and am grateful for the memories ....as now, they are only memories. I guess this is the circle of life. One of my long time girlfriends has now lost both her parents and she says it feels like she is an "orphan"now. Something I am not looking forward to.
I am grateful for my loving daughters and their husbands. I have the most compassionate, kind, caring and honest children. I am grateful that we are best friends and that we can tell each other anything. I am grateful to their father and his wife who helped raise and instill all their wonderful qualities. ONE CAN NEVER DO IT ALONE!
I am grateful for my grandchildren and how they make me feel like "I am the most important person in the room" when I go to visit. I cherish their hugs, kisses and laughter.
I am grateful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know my redeemer lives and loves me. I know my father in heaven knows me specifically by name, is always with me and knows of my needs. I am grateful for my challenges and I know that these events will make me stronger.
I am grateful for all my many friends and coworkers. May god bless each and every one of us at this holiday season and always.