Let's just say this........I can now add "plumber" to my bucket list. I have had a leak for about 10 days now and had simply just been catching the excess dripage into a vase below. The person who usually helps me out with this sort of stuff has been out of commission with rotator cuff surgery. He is wonderful and does all my fix it stuff.
Come on.........I am not helpless......I am a very strong woman. So......over the weekend when my son in law Joe was here, he took a look. He said undo this...yada, yada, yada. So yesterday I did the unscrewing and took the part with me to the store and "she" set me up with the parts that I would need with a few extras...mostly because I live 30 minutes from anything.
Well...........as you can see......I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so very proud of me!!!